When I knew home

A tray big enough to do a pirouette,
I have potential to be the cleanest you have met,
I have giant paws I can use as spades,
I can hide my poo away.

You wouldn’t notice the smell mostly,
Invisible droppings that are so ghostly,
Don’t you use that mango spray.
I will refuse to hide my poo away.

How can I smell that this is my home?
That tray is now a foreign land, I roam.
What are you doing with that vinegar? HEY!
How can I hide my poo away?

It smells so stinky and strong and foul,
I tell you it’s my space when I scramble and howl,
Now we both have permanent stank-face all day
Because I can’t hide my poo away.

Meow, that stinks. This is my toilet-territory. Grumble.

Tumble Dryer 03/2023