I’m so SMART

I have learned something interesting about human behaviour. I know that if Tall and Long shout tREEt I can run downstairs to retrieve a tREET. More recently however, they’ve been TRICKING ME. If I hide upstairs at a really inconvenient time, Tall and Long will call me down for a treet. However, I’ve learned this … Read more


I have been HACKED. Meow. What the flip?! I let Little Gargoyle Girl sprint across Tank’s laptop and all of a sudden my blog was HACKED. This is not okay. In other news, Fiddle is my new best friend. I trust her with everything; hygiene, warmth, games and food. Wait no, not food. Meow. I … Read more

Biscuit in a Cone

There’s a biscuit in my cone Just the one on its own I’ve tried with my thumbs But I can’t reach with my tongue Food is stuck in this plastic Just like a carrot on a stick Is it turkey or is it fish? How’d it get here from my dish? A snack trapped in … Read more

What does gullible mean?

Does anyone know what that word means? I have been called gullible a lot and I don’t know what to make of it, I’ll probably believe the first definition I’m told, however.I have been enjoying an activity a lot recently called “scratch the couch”. Don’t be fooled, it is not I who does the scratching … Read more

I need your help

Hi, I just found out that one of my owners, Long, is about 100 in cat years next month. Ew! No wonder she is so slow and vacant. I heard you are supposed to do something to celebrate so I need advice on what to do. I came up with a few things but any … Read more

The Garden

Recently I’ve found out I am very good at digging. I point my face and ears to the ground, hold my head below my shoulders and do long swipes at the ground one paw at a time. I do it at around 75bpm and with each movement of my paws, I tense my shoulders so … Read more

Home Alone

It was Tall’s birthday the other day. I wanted him to wake up to a surprise so I knocked all the water everywhere and went piggy dipping in the water bowl so I could make paw prints everywhere. I also saw some Colin The Caterpillar cake on the side. It must’ve been for his birthday! … Read more

What is happening?

Today was a strange day. I got my first meal by the food machine when Tall came downstairs to see me this morning but he left really fast. Then about an hour later Long looked like she was a sleepwalking zombie when she came to see me. She was all pale and shivering so I … Read more


Since my last update, a lot has changed. I came back from seeing the ladies who wear latex gloves. Everything was very blurry and very slow for a while. Not sure what has happened but there are now fewer places to lick when I clean myself. I’m starting to thing Tall was trying to tell … Read more

Where’s my breakfast?

I had dinner early last night, it was so good. The machines shouted something fuzzy at about 5:30pm. It was so good and crunchy on my baby adult teeth. Tall has been looking really guilty recently, it’s suspicious. But I found out this morning that it must be because he was planning on having my … Read more