I have learned something interesting about human behaviour.
I know that if Tall and Long shout tREEt I can run downstairs to retrieve a tREET. More recently however, they’ve been TRICKING ME.
If I hide upstairs at a really inconvenient time, Tall and Long will call me down for a treet. However, I’ve learned this is usually a TRAP to get me to come downstairs so I do not do it until I’m absolutely certain I will receive a TREET. this is usually done by waiting for the sound of Dreamies opening or any cupboard opening or Fiddle’s mouth opening. Meow.
When Tall and Long realise I will not be fooled, they run upstairs to drag me into the living room. I can’t stand it in there! There’s so much FIDDLE! She’s always in there!!! Ughhhh meow. She is so fluffy ugh.
Today, Long ran upstairs to get me so I skunked away and wanted to hide under Tall’s bed because he drilled it into the wall so there would be no way they could get me out. Meowhahah. Long caught me, though. Meow. Back to Fiddle I went. How did she catch me?
Long was so speedy at catching me and carrying me (and I’m so big and heavy to lift) that she’s been suffering with agonising back pain ever since. Meow. Oh well.
I’ll try again, you can’t stop me. Meowhaha. I even chewed the wire of the back massager to make sure she really feels the consequences of tricking me.
G2g, someone said treet.