Crinkly Toys

I like things that create a lot of noise. My ears are so big, loud noises don’t scare me, I have room for other sounds.

Blue Thing with Feather

It’s blue and it crinkles and I think it has drugs in it. I only play with it when Tall and Long get it out. I think my too-much gene is exposed when I am allowed to play with this. It’s not the first thing I go to in a room but I won’t ignore it.
Fun: 6
Destruction: 7
Retrievability: 2
Fragility: 2
Softness: 3
Instinct triggered: I use my back feet to claw out the insides. Hasn’t worked yet. Roar!

Brian the Tiger

Why did they call it Brian? He looks like an octopus but his legs are so crinkly and dangly! Tall and Long throw him into the kitchen when they want me away from the door. I fall for it every time. This is why you will often find Brian in the kitchen. Sometimes when Long squeezes his head, he meows… maybe he is a friend…
Fun: 8
Destruction: 1
Retrievability: 2
Fragility: 4 (I will find what crinkles.)
Softness: 8
Instinct triggered: I like to attack the dangly bits.


Let me in! I want the food you are eating. The crinkles sound so good and the crunching would feel so nice on my teeth. Why won’t they let me have the crisps? The packets are so light, I can fling them about the place! Then little crumbs get everywhere – YAY!

Fun: 4
Destruction: 7
Retrievability: 1
Fragility: 0
Softness: 0
Instinct triggered: I must eat

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