
Since my last update, a lot has changed.

I came back from seeing the ladies who wear latex gloves. Everything was very blurry and very slow for a while. Not sure what has happened but there are now fewer places to lick when I clean myself.

I’m starting to thing Tall was trying to tell me this was going to happen a while ago. Long has had this happen already it would seem. I’m no longer a man…

I am less interested in showing off my super hench lats, and now I want to sit on laps.
I don’t fall in love with female cats, I prefer to spend my free time having naps.

You can see my transformation above.

Tall asked Long “what else can we chop off?”. I’m scared. Help.

On a more positive note, I went crazy last night and tried to break everything and I was rewarded by being given full access to everywhere in the house. When I came back into the room, Tall looked like he had a nervous breakdown and Long was drunk probably. I think I will enter WreckingBallMode more often.

I also learned how to get scooped up on demand. This morning I stretched as high as I could go up Long’s legs and gripped into her flesh. She was so excited she meowed and grabbed me as fast as she could. 💚

Finally, I need advice. I have lost my territory. Every time I use my litter tray (it has a flap!) my humans will spray things about and cover up my scent marking. As a protest I have stopped burying my poo. In retaliation they put VINEGAR all over the place. How can I fix this? It was so stinky.

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