What does gullible mean?

Does anyone know what that word means? I have been called gullible a lot and I don’t know what to make of it, I’ll probably believe the first definition I’m told, however.
I have been enjoying an activity a lot recently called “scratch the couch”. Don’t be fooled, it is not I who does the scratching (this time). It is either Tall or Long – or sometimes both if I’m lucky – who are doing the scratching on the couch. They sit on it and scratch it. They scratch the couch. There isn’t a lot more to the game than that but every time I hear the scratchy noise I have to go investigate. Is it a pen? Is it a straw? Could food be making that noise somehow?
Whenever I hear the scratching I have to tilt my head so my satellite dishes hear the scratching at different angles. I wiggle my body like a BendyBus and creep towards the source of the noise. I usually can’t smell food yet but there’s always a chance it might be food. I love food! My favourite food at the moment is live cables. anyway, once I have creeped forward I pounce onto the sofa. It’s their claws scratching the sofa. It has never not been Tall and Long’s claws scratching the sofa. Why do I fall for it every time? But on a separate, unrelated note: Why do they call me gullible?
By the time I jump up to pounce on the food making the scratching sound and realise it isn’t food, I get embarrassed and either try to run away or fall over out of surprise. Not again! This whole ordeal happens around 11 times a day.
Long has been teaching me how to count to 3. Little does she know I have been able to tell the date and time since 2nd February 2023 13:18. It’s cute watching her celebrate me reaching three so I will continue to play along. when she gets all the way up to three, she throws Bumble at me (I just love bumble so much). I have to catch it before it hits my head. I think she is always aiming at my head. It has made me exceptionally good at catching however, and it’s even easier when I use both paws at once!
What does gullible mean guys?

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