I did an oops

Long was sat in bed doing something I’ve never seen before. I wanted to touch the thing that would burn me but she wouldn’t let me so I watched and got bored very quickly. Why do humans do so much with their hair? I have so much more hair than her but all I do is lick my bib and I’m sorted.

While she had her head turned I decided to chew on the nearest object which was a *clean* cotton bud. It was so dry and spikey and skinny! Yum❤️ Long promptly turned round to retrieve it from my mouth and she put it back. She said “eeeewwwww, Tumble you minger!” Thankfully I had made it so wet she didn’t want to touch it for very long and it was still within paw’s reach for me. As soon as she was facing away I engulfed the whole cotton bud and tried to swallow it. Long reached the back of my throat but it was too late! I had swallowed it whole now and there was nothing she could do to stop me. It was nearly 18:00 so I was about ready for my main dinner, so I went downstairs to tell everyone the good news. Meow.

Turns out Tall and Long had other plans. They squished me into my NookWithAHandle (which I fit into like a lorry in a garage) and whisked me away to the cat hospital. Meow. I hate this meow. I got out of NookWithAHandle and rubbed my hair all over the car.

I was rewarded when we got there with some food. Finally! Maybe they just wanted to take me out for dinner as a reward. I eas given some sleepy medication and I felt super spaced out. It reminded me of when I lost some body parts. Then I was so sick yuck. And my cotton bud I had swallowed whole came up. What a waste of time!

This was the worst dinner ever.

Then I got taken home in my NookWithAHandle and watched Tall and Long eat a KFC. This was torture. The dinner-removal lady from the cat hospital gave me a super absorbent pad which was really embarrassing. I only soil myself a maximum of twice a day and I already had that morning. There was really no need for it.

I am so hungry now I could eat a whole pack of Johnson’s cotton buds for sure.

One Comment

  1. Poor Tumble, what a day. I was going to suggest that tomorrow must be better for you, but, looking at the date, I’m not so sure about that…. We’ll ask Long & Tall to get you a new NookwithaHandle – maybe a small horse box. Hope to see you soon.

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