The Garden

Recently I’ve found out I am very good at digging. I point my face and ears to the ground, hold my head below my shoulders and do long swipes at the ground one paw at a time. I do it at around 75bpm and with each movement of my paws, I tense my shoulders so it looks very non-fluid. My paws don’t decelerate as I finish each swipe, more-so come to a complete halt. This creates a great beat while I dig! I have Uptown Funk playing in my head to keep me in time.

Because I have shown this new skill to Tall And Long on their duvet, they’ve let me go outside and help them dig in the garden. It seems like they are making a pool… the outside world is so amazing! There’s another human over a big wooden fence who shouts all the time and I think they have a cat that barks there too. It barks a lot. I want to be just like that cat so I meow a lot when I am outside. My meowing also communicates to the birds that I won’t eat them even though I definitely will try.

Two days ago I caught a fly.

Bees make me jump.

Can anyone tell me why we are just moving all this dirt from one place to another? I think maybe they are keeping the mountain of dirt so I can climb over the wall and run and be free and catch birds and flies.

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