I’m Tumble and I like watching The Birds and really loud toys. My goals in life are to be able to communicate with my humans, Tall and Long. Long definitely tastes better than Tall other. But Tall gives me little shavings of rotten cow milk.
I currently weigh 4.1kg but next week I will be lighter as I will have my two favourite body parts removed.
My liquid:solid feces ratio is getting better too.
Today I slept on Long’s neck but I didn’t bite it. Then Tall did the human jigsaw thing behind her.
I think the fluff on my ears represent the length of my claws. It feels so good to put my claws in Tall’s double scratching posts which are all covered in fluff.
My food comes out of a machine that shouts my full name, followed by “Scran”.
Thanks, bye!
Tumble Dryer
Looks great. Meow meow meow.