I’m so SMART

I have learned something interesting about human behaviour. I know that if Tall and Long shout tREEt I can run downstairs to retrieve a tREET. More recently however, they’ve been TRICKING ME. If I hide upstairs at a really inconvenient time, Tall and Long will call me down for a treet. However, I’ve learned this … Read more


I have been HACKED. Meow. What the flip?! I let Little Gargoyle Girl sprint across Tank’s laptop and all of a sudden my blog was HACKED. This is not okay. In other news, Fiddle is my new best friend. I trust her with everything; hygiene, warmth, games and food. Wait no, not food. Meow. I … Read more

how does this work?

meow kekekek meow I run fast and jump high and rip toes off humans! i’m so small and light and agile! MEKEKEK if you stop stroking me I will say mekak. be gentle with me and in return I will reduce the number of foot attacks sometimes I purr at nothing. It’s so loud that … Read more

Biscuit in a Cone

There’s a biscuit in my cone Just the one on its own I’ve tried with my thumbs But I can’t reach with my tongue Food is stuck in this plastic Just like a carrot on a stick Is it turkey or is it fish? How’d it get here from my dish? A snack trapped in … Read more

Humble Tumble

I never did find out why I was named Tumble. When Tall and Long came back from their Sunday morning abandoning-session, they discussed if I was humble or not. Did they mean Bumble? I hid Bumble so well that he has gone forever. Maybe I am Bumble? You are what you eat. Long said I … Read more

What does gullible mean?

Does anyone know what that word means? I have been called gullible a lot and I don’t know what to make of it, I’ll probably believe the first definition I’m told, however.I have been enjoying an activity a lot recently called “scratch the couch”. Don’t be fooled, it is not I who does the scratching … Read more

I did an oops

Long was sat in bed doing something I’ve never seen before. I wanted to touch the thing that would burn me but she wouldn’t let me so I watched and got bored very quickly. Why do humans do so much with their hair? I have so much more hair than her but all I do … Read more

I need your help

Hi, I just found out that one of my owners, Long, is about 100 in cat years next month. Ew! No wonder she is so slow and vacant. I heard you are supposed to do something to celebrate so I need advice on what to do. I came up with a few things but any … Read more

The Garden

Recently I’ve found out I am very good at digging. I point my face and ears to the ground, hold my head below my shoulders and do long swipes at the ground one paw at a time. I do it at around 75bpm and with each movement of my paws, I tense my shoulders so … Read more

Home Alone

It was Tall’s birthday the other day. I wanted him to wake up to a surprise so I knocked all the water everywhere and went piggy dipping in the water bowl so I could make paw prints everywhere. I also saw some Colin The Caterpillar cake on the side. It must’ve been for his birthday! … Read more